Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

Country Studies

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. The UK is situated on … big islands and about five thousand small islands.

  1. two b) three c) four d) five

  1. The UK has a land border (сухопутная граница) with … .

  1. the Republic of Ireland b) France c) Iceland d) Germany

  1. The UK is separated from France by … .

  1. the Irish Sea b) the Celtic Sea c) the English Channel d) the North Sea

  1. The UK consists of … parts.

  1. two b) three c) four d) five

  1. … colour is not represented (представлен) on the flag of the UK.

  1. red b) blue c) green d) white

  1. The capital of Wales is … .

  1. Belfast b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh d) London

  1. The floral symbol of Scotland is a … .

  1. rose b) thistle c) daffodil d) clover

  1. St. Andrew is a patron saint of … .

  1. England b) Wales c) Northern Ireland d) Scotland

  1. The oldest university town in the UK is … .

  1. Liverpool b) Cambridge c) Brighton d) Oxford

  1. Stonehenge is on the territory of … .

a) Northern Ireland b) Wales c) England d) Scotland

  1. William Shakespeare was born in … .

  1. Stradford-upon-Avon b) London c) Belfast d) Birmingham

  1. “Romeo and Juliet” is one of Shakespeare’s most famous … .

  1. tragedies b) comedies c) sonnets d) historical chronicles

  1. The author of “My Heart’s in the Highlands” is … .

  1. R. Burns b) W. Scott c) W. Shakespeare d) Ch. Dickens

  1. Snowdon is the second highest mountain in the UK situated in … .

  1. Northern Ireland b) Wales c) England d) Scotland

  1. The biggest city in the UK is … .

  1. Glasgow b) London c) Edinburgh c) Bristol

  1. The biggest city in Scotland is … .

  1. Glasgow b) London c) Edinburgh c) Bristol

  1. The festival called the Military Tattoo takes place in Edinburgh every… .

  1. June b) July c) August d) September

  1. Sheep-farming is developed in … .

  1. England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Northern Ireland

  1. The population of the UK is about … people.

  1. 5 mln b) 15 mln c) 25 mln d) 55 mln

  1. The UK is a … .

  1. republic b) monarchy c) union d) federation


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