Входная контрольная работа для 11 класса

Входная контрольная работа для 11 класса 2022-2023г


Variant 1

Task 1 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Whales in a Noisy Ocean

Whales use sound in very different ways. Some whales produce songs that travel over vast distances. They also use echolocation, like bats, (A)________. But other noise in the ocean creates a problem for the whales. Since 1987, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has sent their research vessel Song of the Whale around the world (B)________. During the travels, the Song of the Whale scientists have developed expertise (C)________ to listen to and record the sounds that the animals make. This helps them to track, identify, and survey different species. One of the threats facing whales and other marine animals is noise pollution in the seas, such as noise from drilling, military activities, oil exploration, and coastal construction. This noise can cause great distress (бедствие, беда, страдание) to whales and dolphins and can (D)________. It is feared this noise pollution may cause mass strandings (уничтожение, перемещение), (E)________. If the Song of the Whale team can (F)________, then hopefully the nature and location of disturbing (тревожный, беспокойный) noise can be changed.

1. in using underwater microphones

2. to locate food and find their way

3. result in injury and even death

4. track (отслеживать) and identify their habitats (среды обитания)

5. to filter out food from the water

6. to provide a platform for marine research

7. when large numbers come ashore Ответ: A ____B____C___D___ E____ F____

Task 2 Fill in the correct form of the verb given.

1. Jeff ____________ our bank manager at the moment. He _________________ here for three years. (BE, BE)

2. I ____________________ when the alarm ____________________ off at 5.30 this morning. (STILL SLEEP, GO)

3. If everyone donates $5, we ____________________ enough to buy a new machine. (HAVE)

4. There ______________ a great documentary on TV yesterday evening. ____________________ it? – No, I didn’t. I ______________ to take my television set back to the store to have it repaired. (BE, YOU SEE, HAVE)

5. When I ____________________ to the car park I didn’t know where I ____________________ my car. (RETURN, PARK)

6. My uncle ____________________ the same pullover the whole winter. I guess he ____________ it. (WEAR, LOVE) 7. Mum ____________________ dinner when the doctor __________________. (PREPARE, ARRIVE)

8. He ____________________ around with a limp since he ____________________ his accident a few weeks ago. (WALK, HAVE)

9. You look pretty worried. – What ____________________? (HAPPEN)

10.When we ____________________ at the theatre the play ______________________. (ARRIVE, ALREADY START) 11.When she ________________ home, she ________________ that her husband ____________________ for some time. (COME, SEE, DRINK) 12. ____________________ the good news? – Stan and Margie ____________________ married!

Task 3 Answer the questions

1. What kind of family chores do you normally have, if at all?


2. What would you cook for yourself, if you had to?


3. Do you think boys should be able to cook and to keep house, and why?


Входная контрольная работа (11 класс) 2022-2023г


Variant 2

Task 1 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Facebook party that became a riot

a riot (беспорядок, мятеж, бунт)

It began as a plan for a very normal 16th birthday party. Merthe Weusthuis wanted a quiet celebration with a small group of friends in her family home in the small Dutch town of Haren. Like many teenagers, she decided to send out invitations via (через)a social network site. But Merthe made one big mistake: she used open-access settings on Facebook, A_________________________, lots of strangers could too. The number of invitation acceptances quickly snowballed into an avalanche. Not marking the event as ‘private’ meant the electronic invitation was eventually seen by 240,000 people, B_________________________. To make matters worse, an unauthorized (самовольный, неправомочный) campaign was launched to promote the party by means of a dedicated website and Twitter account, C_________________________. The party became known as ‘Project X Haren’ after the 2012 American film Project X D_________________________. Video trailers for Merthe’s party were produced, with scenes from Project X edited in, E_________________________. T-shirts featuring Merthe’s face were also made, all without her knowledge or consent (согласие, разрешение). However, Facebook was also involved in the clean-up effort in the days after the riot. A group called ‘Suspect-X Haren’ was created to help police identify and arrest the rioters by sharing photos and videos of the event. A number of other ‘Facebook parties’ spiralled out of control (вышли из-под контроля), F____________________. Bradley had not posted details of the event on the internet, but somehow the news leaked out (просачились, стали известными) and appeared on Blackberry Messenger as well as Facebook.

1. in which three high school students throw a birthday party that spins out of control

2. including the 16th birthday party of British teenager Bradley McAnulty in April 2016

3. of whom 30,000 confirmed online that they planned to attend

4. but were interrupted by the police 5. and they were posted on YouTube

6. so it wasn’t just her friends who could see details of the event

7. which received hundreds of thousands of hits Ответ: A ____B____C___D___ E____ F____

Task 2 Fill in the correct form of the verb given.

1. After we ___________________ dinner we went to bed. (EAT)

2. I ___________________ several matches this season, but I ___________________ to a single game last season. (SEE, NOT GO)

3. What ___________________ when the headmaster ___________________ the classroom yesterday? (YOU DO, ENTER)

4. My granddad doesn’t ___________________ well so he always ___________________ up the volume on the radio. (NOT HEAR, TURN)

5. We ___________________ hard since 7 o’clock in the morning. (WORK)

6. She ___________________ in such cold water before. (NEVER SWIM)

7. When we ___________________ at the stadium thousands of spectators ___________________ in front of the gates. (ARRIVE, WAIT)

8. We ______________________ for over an hour when we found out that we were in the wrong village. (TRAVEL)

9. The district attorney’s office ___________________ before next Monday. (NOT OPEN)

10.Here are your shoes Jimmy. I ___________________ them (JUST CLEAN).

11.She ___________________ well yesterday because she ___________________ too much. (NOT FEEL, EAT)

12. Look at those fans! They’re so excited because their team _____________________ the winning goal. (JUST SCORE) 13. Last Saturday Susan ______________ an accident. She _______________ off the ladder and ___________________ her knee while she ___________________ to pick some apples. (HAVE, FALL, CUT, TRY)

14.We ___________________ to Chris’s party next Tuesday because nobody ___________________ us. (NOT GO, INVITE)

15.Whenever Kevin is in England, he ___________________ to his parents back in Australia every weekend. (WRITE)

Task 3 Answer the questions

1. Do young people read as much as old people in your country?


2. Do you prefer to read E-books or traditional books? Why?


3. How much time do you and your friends spend reading daily?



Variant 1

Task 1 261374

Task 2

  1. Is; has been

  2. was still sleeping; went off

  3. will have

  4. was; Did you see; had

  5. returned; had parked

  6. has been wearing

  7. was preparing; arrived

  8. has been walking; had

  9. happened/ has happened

  10. arrived; had already started

  11. came; saw; had been drinking

  12. Have you heard; are getting married;

Total: 30 points

Variant 2

Task 1 637152

Task 2

  1. Had eaten

  2. Have seen; didn’t go

  3. Were you doing; entered

  4. Doesn’t hear; turns

  5. Have been working

  6. Has never swum

  7. Arrived; were waiting

  8. Had been travelling / had travelled

  9. Is not opening / won’t open

  10. Have just clean

  11. Didn’t feel / had eaten

  12. Have/has just scored

  13. Had; fell; cut; was trying

  14. Won’t go / aren’t going; has invited / invited

  15. Writes

Total: 30 points

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